Friday, February 19, 2010

Users Hate Buzz; Google Gets Sued


So here's the buzz on Google Buzz: It's, uh, a little unpopular so far. "Within hours of the Buzz launch, users were complaining about a number of features (or flaws) in the service, including the fact that their Gmail and GTalk contacts were publicly revealed for everyone to see, and that the setting for making that public or private was enabled by default and/or difficult to find," GigaOM explains, going on to say that Buzz wasn't pre-tested with beta users before being released (for which Google has apologized). "F*** you, Google," wrote a blogger at Gizmodo. "My privacy concerns are not trite...You have destroyed over ten years of my goodwill and adoration." The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) has filed a complaint with the FCC "accusing Google of violating federal consumer protection law with the service. At the core of the complaint is Google's accused breach of a consumer's expectation of privacy" (via The lawsuit is justified, says ReadWriteWeb: "Could you imagine the uproar if something like our search habits were suddenly released to the public in a big 'Oops!' moment for Google? Would an apologetic blog post suffice then? Somehow, we don't think so and we're not sure it should now either."


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