Till now, we have heard of so many news pieces about Google, Android and Verizon. Now here is a news piece that involves all three names. Till now, we have come across various Android devices that looked VZW-bound. But till now, we have not received any words from Verizon itself but a press release marks some important decisions in air.
Hot news is that Verizon and Google has involved in a crispy collaboration that will not only influence Verizon Wireless Network but will affect Android open platform in a major way. Now the story sounds really interesting as well as beneficial, especially from the point of view of delivering leading edge mobile services and App to all the end users.
There are plans going on that there would be a co-development of various Android based devices that would be decked with all kinds of innovative and exciting applications. These collaborations not only benefit the companies involved with the same, but also the target audience that are linked with them.
As far as the manufactures are concerned, there is no single manufacturer linked with the devices. The press release stated that there would be multiple manufacturers that mean different minds would be involved in a single project. It further implies that the final products would be nothing less than –excellent!
Speculations are that amongst the devices, Motorola Tao/Sholes would hit the market somewhere around December 1st. Next on the list would be HTC Desire and so on. So all you folks out there just sit back and relax and wait for the official words!